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The Place of Misfortunes, Diseases, and Other Natural Sufferings in the Spiritual Life of Man
February 28, 2020
Interview of Bishop P. Odhner to Mr. Prescott Rogers
February 15, 2019
Most of the available sermons and doctrinal classes of Rev. Theodore Pitcairn
February 13, 2019
Sermons of Rev. Edward Hyatt from 1896.08.16 till 1902.11.09
January 19, 2019
January 17, 2019
Church and its use [on evangelization]
April 23, 2018
How should those in the Church regard the Teachings Concerning the Earths in the Universe?
October 21, 2017
The Latin Word (the Writings of Swedenborg) is dead. Do you not believe it? See for yourself
April 5, 2016
The Direction in which the church should go (speeches by Rev. Pitcairn and Mr. Groeneveld, 1954)
December 23, 2015
Notes on the Teachings of the Word concerning Divorce
December 15, 2015
Statement concerning divorce
December 15, 2015
Conjugial Love (paper by Rev. Theodore Pitcairn)
November 7, 2015
Seven Days of Creation
June 1, 2015
Sermons on the Word by Rev. E.S. Hyatt
May 30, 2015
Sodomy and Homosexuality, in the light of the Word (updated 2)
January 14, 2015
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Subjects of Study
Basis of the Church
Influence and popularity considerations
Jewish Church
high priests, scribes, pharisees, lawyers vs. Judas
Prosperity and membership considerations
The direction in which the church should go
Ten Commandments
Two great commandments
Comparative theology
Conjugial Love (Married Love, Marital Love, Conjugal Love)
Conjugial love and the love of uses
Diagrams illustrating conjunction between husband and wife on different levels
How the man regards his wife when he doesn't come into the love of growing wise
If one is not married, on what he/she is spiritually dependent
Inmost becoming a form of the true, being in the affection of the true (of her husband or/and of the Church) as the primary concern for a woman, and not the things of love and of life
Opposites to Conjugial Love
Sexual disorders
Sodomy, Homosexuality
Personal love issues
Relation of intellectual and voluntary in the marriage of man and woman in the church
Relation of man and woman in the church
Sexual intercourse
The love of growing wise as the primary end for a man, and not the rational understanding of the Word, Doctrine and intellectual things in general
Turning away from charity alone to the internal true
Turning away from faith alone to the love of growing wise
What to do, when one partner is spiritual, and the other natural
When the man regards the true of the understanding as the essential, and the woman regards the things of what she calls life and love, as the essential, conjugial love is not possible
De Hemelsche Leer
General Summary of De Hemelsche Leer
summary of De Hemelsche Leer
Doctrine out of the Word
acquiring doctrine in false way
Basis for the Genuine Doctrine
Betrayal of the Doctrine by the love of self
Birth of the Doctrine with man
Doctrine null and void when consulting one’s rational
Doctrine which is Spiritual out of Celestial origin
How genuine doctrine comes into existence
Innocence and the doctrine
Love for the Word and the Doctrine, true and false
misuse and abuse of the Doctrine
One man principle (see also Conjugial Love)
Relation of the internal and external sense in the Doctrine
Taking apparent goods and truths, in which lie interior evils, as genuine goods and truths
Those who are in the interior things of the Word and Doctrine and do not humble themselves and look to the Lord
Internal enemies
Reason the lack of the enlightenment
Trust in the Lord
holy fear
State of spiritual freedom
Good and true
Reception and appropriation
Imaginary heaven
Manifesting the quality of the imaginary heaven with a man
Christian Church and Civilization
Causes of decline
Truly human and animal things with a man
two humans with a man
Appeal to man’s better instincts
Introduction into the True Christian Religion
Life and Morality
Attacking others
Being led by the Lord vs. being led by the devil
Criticizing others
Cunning and deceit
Cunning and deceit against the truth
Cunning of the love of self hiding man's internal evils from the conscious mind
Deceitful weakening of the force of the truth and its judgment
Internal deceit together with outward honesty, sincerity and straightforwardness
The internal cause of cunning and deceit
When the friendliness and tolerance is deceptive
Despisal of others in comparison with oneself
Root of evil
Without overcoming natural evils we never come to combat interior evils
Feeling of one's own spiritual superiority over others
Forgiveness, true and false
Hatred, Revenge, Enmity, Anger
Distinguishing anger from just indignation in oneself
Hating the truth in which there is true judgment
Hating the truth, or the one who is in the truth
Hatred and revenge against the truth
Inward causes of speaking ill of others
The internal cause of hatred and revenge
Coming to a natural innocence
Natural innocence and spiritual innocence
When a man deprives others of innocence
Loosing one's life
Love of domineering
Love of reputation
Love of self
Betrayal of the Doctrine by the love of self
Essence of the love of self, longing to be loved by others with the unregenerate man
Humbled love of self
Intermediate/mediate love of self
Love of self in relation to those in the Church and to those outside of the church
Manifestation of the evil of the love of self
Three kinds of the love of self
Turning things of the Word, the Doctrine, and the Church to favor one's love of self
Loves that must be changed, ordered, and properly subordinated
Merit in works
Misusing the truth by turning it to one's own ends
Moral and civil things of one’s occupation
Nourishing spiritual body
man's pride in his intelligence
Pride in one's own intelligence
pride with different classes of persons and with different occupations
woman's pride in her intuition
Regeneration of the Rational and the Natural
Rational alone vs. natural alone
resenting the lack of gratitude
Ruling love
Changing and perfecting the ruling loves of the members of the church
Classes of ruling love
How to discover one's own ruling love
One's ruling love being touched and threatened
The love of ruling in the things of the Church appearing as a great love for the Church
Self-exploration, self-examination
Sexual intercourse
Attribution of goods and truths to oneself
Claiming what is spiritual for one's rational
Evil and false claiming to themselves what is the Lord's with a man (judas)
More interior spiritual theft
Robbing the Lord of His Word in one's mind
Stealing of goods and truths, with a man and with a woman
Stealing the things from the Word and the Doctrine
Theft of using the rational to confirm goods and truths as one's own
Birth of the Lord
Divine Human
Presence of the Divine Human in the human of man
Divine Intercession
First Coming
Glorification of the Human
glorification of the Human things of the Lord with a man
Heaven of Human Internals
Human of the Church
Lord's birth in man
Lord's coming to a man
Merely human
Second Coming
Sun of Heaven
Visible Human
Male and Female (see also Conjugial Love)
Male and Female propriums
Male and Female spiritual and natural differences
Man and Woman (see Conjugial Love)
Merely natural vs. genuine natural
New Natural
Receiving the goods of the natural
New Church
Catholic disposition in the New Church
New Church history
Doctrinal Views of the Other Bodies of the New Church
Convention and Conference
Early Academy
History of the Lord's New Church
Analysis of opinions about the Lord's New Church
Audio history
New Church social life, true and false
Protestant disposition in the New Church
Where the Hova Hierosolyma dwells with men
Lord's Prayer from the New Testament
prayer, acceptable and not acceptable
Pride and vanity of the priesthood
Proprium or One's own
Thankfulness and opposition to the Divine Providence
Three operations of the Divine Providence, from within and from without
Consulting one's rational
Rational as the vessel for the spiritual
Real, substantial
Real vs. unsubstantial
Series of sermons or doctrinal classes
Series of Sermons on the Ten Commandments
Series on Conjugial Love
Spiritual wealth
Spending spiritual wealth on vulgar display
Squandering spiritual wealth in fantastic spiritual pleasures
Spiritual temptations and natural temptations
Translation issues
Misusing the truth by turning it to one's own ends
Truth in the memory vs. truth in the life
Unfinished business
Moral and civil things of one’s occupation
Natural uses as foundation for spiritual uses
When the natural use becomes a dead body, and the spiritual use a ghost
Wordly wisdom appearing as brilliant intelligence vs. wisdom, which is a gift from the Lord
Causes of misunderstanding of the Word
Divine Revelation as the Word
Explanation of the Word
Earths in the Universe
Love for the Word and the Doctrine, true and false
misuse and abuse of the Word
Natural sense of the Word
Genuine natural sense
Literal sense seen from within and from without
Reading of the Word
How to read the Word to understand it
The genuine and the false reading of the Word
Relation of the internal and external sense in the Word
simple truths
Spiritual sense of the Word
Genuine spiritual sense
Word compared with Doctrine